How does it work?

Purchase your CSA share ahead of time and pick up a box of fresh, local produce every week throughout the season. It's kind of like a subscription service from the farm to you!

  • Step 1: Choose a season

    Spring Greens CSA: Early-season greens. You can expect arugula, mustard greens, our beloved spring mix and more. Runs May 21–June 26.
    Full share = 6 weeks ($144) / Half share = 3 weeks ($72)

    Main Season CSA: Three months of peak Stone Soup produce! Runs July 9–Oct 9.
    Full share = 14 weeks ($336) / Half share = 7 weeks ($168)

    Fall Harvest CSA: (Oct 22–Dec 18) Coming soon

  • Step 2: Choose your share size

    You can choose a full share and pick up a box every week, or a half share, with pickup every other week. 

    Every box contains half a dozen seasonal items, valued at about $24/box.

  • Step 3: Choose your pickup location/day

    West End Pickup: Canyon Creek Brewing (3060 Gabel Road, Billings, MT 59102)
    Wednesdays 4-6PM 

    Downtown Pickup: Carter's Brewing (2526 Montana Ave, Billings, MT 59101)
    Thursdays 4-6PM

    On Farm Pickup (2241 Old US Hwy 10, Laurel MT 59044)
    Fridays 12-4PM

What's a CSA?

A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) refers to a program that connects consumers (like you) to local farms (like ours) by providing a steady supply of fresh vegetables. By buying a share, you provide the farm with the financial support to purchase seeds, compost, etc to get our crops started strong, and you reap the benefits all season long! It's a great way to support local agriculture, know your farmers, and enjoy fresh, seasonal produce.

Where else to buy

You can also buy Stone Soup produce online and in-person at the following locations in the Yellowstone Valley.

    Stone Soup produce is available online through the Yellowstone Valley Food Hub, a cooperative of producers in the Yellowstone Valley area whose goal is to provide local food year-round.
  • ZEST BILLINGS (110 N 29th St, downtown Billings)
    You can buy our garlic August through February downtown at Zest, Billings.
    You can find us at the Yellowstone Valley Farmers Market this summer Saturdays 8am-noon from mid-July through early October.
    We'll be at Canyon Creek Brewing from 4-6 on Wednesdays and Carters Brewing from 4-6 on Thursdays all summer long (July-September)! Come by for your veggie fix!